Legend Frank Alvine
Orthopedic Surgeon & Inventor | 2009 INDUCTEE
Dr. Frank Alvine was born in 1938 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and grew up with four siblings. He went to Washington High School and later studied medicine at the University of South Dakota and the University of Washington. Dr. Alvine even worked as a doctor for the U.S. Navy in California.
In 1972, Dr. Alvine came back to Sioux Falls and started Orthopedic Associates with other doctors. He became famous for his smart work in orthopedic care, especially fixing ankle problems. He invented something called the Agility Total Ankle Replacement System, helping many people walk better.
But Dr. Alvine loved his family, flying planes, and protecting nature. He was married to Marilyn, had three children, and loved going on family trips. He was also a pilot and cared a lot about conserving nature, getting awards for his efforts.
People loved listening to Dr. Alvine's stories in coffee shops, and he showed everyone how to work hard, be smart, and care for others. He made a big difference in medicine and South Dakota!
Frank Alvine Reminds Us of the Importance of Honoring Our Veterans
Dr. Alvine served three years as a Navy doctor during the Vietnam War. He worked as a general medical doctor taking care of soldiers fighting the Vietnam War, retired personnel, and families.
Frank had many experiences during the Vietnam War and even encountered Five-Star Admiral Chester Nimitz who gave him an autographed picture of him signing Japan’s surrender which ended World War II.
Click on the links in the boxes below to learn about Frank Alvine’s service in the United States Navy and Admiral Nimitz.
Retired Surgeon Reflects on Service on VETERAN’S Day
Local Doctor Treated Famed WWII Admiral
Who is Admiral Chester Nimitz?
After the Navy …
After serving in the Navy, Frank completed the orthopedic program at the University of Washington. In 1972, he returned to Sioux Falls and became a successful Orthopedic Surgeon.
Dr. Alvine likes to solve problems and so he studied how to help people who had ankle arthritis. After many years of research and medical trials, Dr. Alvine developed the FDA Approved replacement ankle called the Agility Ankle Replacement System – the first of its kind!
Dr. Alvine’s Journey in Developing the Agility Ankle Replacement System
It takes years of researching, designing and redesigning a new product!
Dr. Frank Alvine began researching ankle arthritis to find a solution.
The Agility Ankle prototype completed.
First Agility Ankle used in a human.
Dr. Alvine was granted a U.S. Patent for the Agility Ankle design.
Granted U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval.
The first total ankle replacement in the United States!
Watch an Interview with Frank and Greg Alvine
Watch an Interview with Frank and Greg Alvine -
Frank Alvine and his son, Greg, practiced medicine together at Alvine Orthopedics before Frank retired in 2007. Click here to read.
A Visit with Dr. Alvine – May, 2015
My answer to this would be to question "everything." I am often reminded of a famous quote: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein
One must be aware and be able to overcome intellectual dishonesty.
My answer to that would be from individuals who quietly and silently pursued a goal without that goal being recognition.
The ready access to data, information, and people to further thinking in any particular field.
Environment. Environment. Environment.
I find it sad to see the ongoing clearing of our land with the resultant loss of quality of the land, water, and the dramatic loss of wildlife habitat. The unchecked tiling, drainage, ditching, and grazing I feel will further degrade the quality of life of South Dakotans. We had the opportunity to make South Dakota the flagship of our country when it comes to quality of living, however that has passed."
They should consider taking on problems that seem to be insurmountable.
I believe there should be more emphasis on intellectual goals versus sports.
Why do you think the picture of Admiral Nimitz signing the Japanese surrender document which officially ended World War II is one of Frank Alvine’s prized possessions?
Frank was motivated to find a solution for people who needed an effective ankle replacement. Why do you think he was so motived?
In one video, Frank discussed how being a researcher is a lonely profession. Why did he say this? What kinds of leadership characteristics must a person have to preserve as a researcher?
The pictures shown below are activities and people that are important to Frank. What do these interests tell you about Frank?
Frank invented the Agility Ankle Replacement System to solve a problem. What problems can you think of you would like to solve?