Legend Tom Brokaw

American Television Journalist | 1991 INDUCTEE

Tom Brokaw, born in South Dakota on February 6, 1940, became a famous TV journalist known for telling people about important events happening around the world.  

His father’s job as a construction foreman required their family to move often. They lived in several small South Dakota towns before settling in Yankton. Tom speaks often about the hard workers of his parents’ generation. He said, “I could not be the man I am today without the boy I was yesterday, in a far-off place and long ago.”  

Even when he was young, Brokaw showed leadership by becoming the governor of South Dakota American Legion Boys State. After going to college in South Dakota, he started working in television stations in Iowa, Omaha, Nebraska and Atlanta, Tom joined NBC News in California in 1966. 

Brokaw became well-known for his news reporting on NBC, especially as the main anchor for the "NBC Nightly News" for over 20 years. He talked about big events like the Challenger disaster, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the tragic day of September 11, 2001. Brokaw didn't just report the news; he also made documentaries and wrote books. 

He won many awards for his work, like Emmys, which are like Oscars for TV, and three Peabody Awards for excellent storytelling. Even after retiring from his main job in 2004, Brokaw continued to share important stories with people, showing his dedication to journalism and keeping people informed about the world.  

Television News Co-host & Anchor 

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Jane Pauley and Tom Brokaw hosted the Today show from 1976 to 1981.

Anchor & Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News 1982–2004

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

On November 9, 1989, Tom Brokaw broke the story of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

At the time, there were only three major television networks, ABC, CBS, NBC; Brokaw was the only anchor of the three networks to be present at one of the most historical events of our time!

In 2013 Tom Brokaw Received the Peabody Award


Tom Brokaw’s RECEIVED the Great Americans Medal in 2017

Click to learn about The Great Americans Medal

Tom Brokaw was honored with a Smithsonian Lewis and Clark compass

Small Town Roots

Click on the pictures to learn about the towns where Tom grew up.

I didn’t grow up in an elite environment,” Brokaw said.  “I attended a public university, and I didn’t have any expectations that I would be automatically moved up … I had to rely on whatever I could do for myself.”(Ali, 2015)

“I grew up in a small town in South Dakota in a working class family and that is something that has served me so well over the years.”

Tom Brokaw: Author


  • Tom often talks about, and even writes about, growing up in South Dakota. Why do you think growing up in our state was so important to him?

  • Tom stated: “When I left [South Dakota] in 1962, I was hungry for bright lights, big cities, big ideas and exotic places…” (Brokaw, 2002, p. 7)

    • What characteristics do you think Tom possessed that allowed him to leave the small town and state and move to a place so unfamiliar to how he grew up?

  • Tom became very successful in his journalism career. What are some leadership traits that allowed Tom to reach a high level of success?

  • Even though Tom no longer lives in South Dakota, he visits frequently and calls the state his home.

    You currently live in South Dakota.   

    • What are three things you love about the state and three things you don’t like?

    • How might living in South Dakota as you grow up set you up for success in any place in the world?

  • How does Tom Brokaw’s story motivate you?