All Saints Neighborhood Association Celebrated for Excellent Acts


Celebrating Acts of Excellence, One Act at a Time

The Acts of Excellence program connects us with individuals and organizations who are building a culture of excellence in South Dakota, one act at a time.Please join us and area inductees to celebrate this Act of Excellence on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 from 4:30 to 6 pm at Sanford Health's Imagentics Building in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. See all of the event details here:

About All Saints Neighborhood Association

All Saints is a city-core neighborhood that contains single family homes, apartments, business, and industry. The neighborhood is diverse in terms of age, income, and ethnicity.Like many city-core neighborhoods, All Saints was in danger of deteriorating. Five years ago, concerned residents joined with city officials to do something. The All Saints Neighborhood Association was formed. In five short years, they have made a difference. Monthly, the association meets to discuss projects and challenges. They regularly meet with police officers, city officials, and neighbors.Some of their regular projects include: an annual railroad bed cleanup, National Night Out where 200+ neighbors gather for food and games, and an ice cream social with the neighborhood retirement center.The Association also responds to special needs. Sioux Falls experienced a damaging ice storm which destroyed many neighborhood trees. The Association raised funds and planted 100 trees for a nominal fee. One of the young neighbors experienced devastating home damage and at the same time, their child was being treated for leukemia. In response, the All Saints Neighborhood Association held a fundraiser to help with uninsured expenses. To deal with future unforeseen events, the Association formed a 501(c)(3) corporation to handle charitable needs in the future. The Association greets new neighbors with a welcome kit.Future improvements that the Association is working toward include making the area more walkable and improved traffic control.Their efforts are paying off. Residences and apartments are being remodeled and rehabilitated. Landlords are now active in the Association. All Saints is known as a desirable neighborhood. Quoting one neighbor "All Saints has the feel of a small town. We look out for each other and it's fun."This success story is the result of a few concerned neighbors who enlisted other neighbors, the city, and community service organizations. It has taken work and strong leadership. All Saints Neighborhood is proof that change can be for the better if there is a dream and people banding together to make a difference.

Act of Excellence submitted by Mr. Tom Schnabel

Submit your own Act of Excellence here