Dream Chasers featured at Journey Museum's Turtle Soup this month

Dream Chasers: South Dakota Hall of Fame Women Inductees

Three South Dakota Hall of Fame inductees will share their stories of excellence during the Journey Museum's Women's History Month Turtle Soup event on Friday, March 22 at 12pm.[gallery ids="2831,2830,2829" type="rectangular"]Kay Jorgensen (2014), Judy Olson Duhamel (2014), and Ann McKay Thompson ( 2015) will share their trials and tribulations of chasing dreams for all of South Dakota across generations, vocations, and economics and how they continue to show up every day to build the future of South Dakota! Get up close and personal with these dynamic, funny, hard-charging and thoughtful women champions!

More about Turtle Soup

Feed your mind and your belly with Turtle Soup, featuring a presentation on historic Black Hills figures or events and a bowl of soup provided by Angel’s Catering.Admission for Turtle Soup is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and half-off for Journey Museum members. Call the Journey Museum at 394-6923 to reserve seats.See the full Journey Museum's Women's History Month program schedule here.