A Heartfelt Thank You

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As we near the end of the year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect and say a heartfelt thank you to all who have donated to the South Dakota Hall of Fame in 2020. With your generosity, we have been able to continue our mission of honoring individuals who are Championing a Culture of Excellence in South Dakota. This year we held our very first Virtual Medallion Ceremony for the class of 2020, where we had the opportunity to reach our largest audience yet, and it was all possible thanks to our donors. We also had the opportunity to hold an Anniversary Reunion Meetup virtually, where we had members of each of the (8) Reunion Classes and it was terrific to put faces to names.

The South Dakota Hall of Fame is a non-profit, fully funded by the generosity of those who see the value in uplifting the legacy of South Dakotans who are impacting their communities for the better. Because of the support we receive, we are able to house several programs to inspire the next generation of Dream Chasers. I wanted to highlight some of these programs here. 

Acts of Excellence: Every day, South Dakotans do extraordinary things. The Acts of Excellence (AOE) program, sponsored by Sanford Health, recognizes the individuals and organizations who are building a culture of excellence in South Dakota, one act at a time. Acts such as the Terry Redlin Art Center showcasing artwork, & encouraging aspiring artists, and this story of the restoration of the Goss Opera House in Watertown. 

Honors Ceremony: The South Dakota Hall of Fame recognizes up to 10 inductees yearly as examples of excellence. They reflect the people of South Dakota who build our future. There are over 700+ inductees who we are proud to honor. Their accomplishments inspire so many and shine a light on excellence throughout the State of South Dakota.

Legends & Learning Program: South Dakota Hall of Fame's educational program Legends & Learning (L&L) tells the inspiring stories of South Dakota’s Champions for Excellence while helping teachers fulfill curriculum requirements in core subjects with a comprehensive digital collection which can be found on our programs site.

Legacies of Achievement: Individuals who have been inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame, are encouraged to share more of the lifelong experiences that have formed their Legacy of Achievement pages. These extra stories and media provide additional depth to inductee stories for family, friends, schools, communities, and organizations for years to come.

The Visitor & Education Center: The Visitor & Education Center is centrally located in Chamberlain South Dakota. The center houses educational exhibits that are always being updated. Current exhibits include the Bill Groethe Exhibit, the Nicholas Black Elk Exhibit, and several more.

Ways you can give

Together with your support, we will Champion a Culture of Excellence in South Dakota by honoring the impact of individual excellence; and the ability to inspire future Dream Chasers; all while striving to improve the quality of our lives in South Dakota.

3 Ways to Donate

Here on our website: Donate today.
Call Us at 605.234.4216
Mail to 1480 S. Main St., Chamberlain, SD 57325

Make your year-end, tax-deductible donation today!

Sarah Miller