A Letter From the South Dakota Hall of Fame CEO, Laurie Becvar

Past Board Chair Marci Burdick and CEO Dr. Laurie Becvar congratulate Dr. Pamela Homan for being inducted into the SD Hall of Fame.

Dear Friends of the South Dakota Hall of Fame,

As we approach the end of another remarkable year, we wish to express our gratitude for your commitment to our shared mission, “To Champion a Culture of Excellence”. To me, our mission means getting up every day and trying my best. It also means developing one’s life’s work with a commitment to use one’s inherent and differing passions and gifts. This matrix of differences and a shared culture of excellence truly make a vibrant South Dakota.

I literally remain in awe as I study the lives of our Inductees. You can find those stories on our website here.

This year, with your help, we achieved some milestones and made a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. I trust our ten newest Inductees will forever remember 2023 as the year that we and all of South Dakota celebrated their achievements at the Honor Ceremony weekend in September. Additionally, the fifteen Acts of Excellence Awardees will truly remember 2023 as the year we showcased their exemplary service to society. On top of that, we were able to open our Visitor and Education Center for the entire year and we hosted numerous events in service to the people of South Dakota. Our Legacies of Achievement Program experienced some needed curation, the digitization of our files continued, and the Legends and Learning Program is in the process of being transformed.

What a year! Your support has been instrumental in our work, it’s only through your generosity that we can turn ideas into reality. As we reflect on the challenges faced and the honors celebrated, together, we created some positive results. Your continued belief in the South Dakota Hall of Fame empowers us to keep striving for Excellence.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the possibility that the new year holds. As we enter into 2024, we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the South Dakota Hall of Fame in many ways. Watch for the unveiling of our revised Legends and Learning Program, our selected Inductees for 2024, and their Honoring Ceremony on September 13 and 14, 2024, and watch for our new Acts of Excellence Awardees. Moreover, we will continue the digitization of our collections and the curation of the Legacies of Achievement pages.

Our goal is to make our Visitor and Education Center a signature attraction full of exciting and unique exhibits, and we wish to join the communities of Chamberlain and Oacoma in developing the area into another destination site for South Dakota. We also have the goal of continuing to build out the Legends and Learning program so our youth can learn about South Dakota’s Champions. And finally, our goal is to have a greater presence statewide to showcase our statewide commitment. Are you ready for a South Dakota Hall of Fame exhibit in your community?

In closing, the South Dakota Hall of Fame Honors, Inspires, Preserves, and Educates others about the rich history of excellence in our State. We want to personally thank each and every one of you for being an essential part of the South Dakota Hall of Fame in your own way. We wish you a joyous holiday season, and a New Year filled with love, light, and everything bright.

Warmest regards,
Laurie J. Becvar, Ed.D.
South Dakota Hall of Fame.

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