Anniversary Reunion Spotlight

Every year, along with the excitement of a new Class of inductees, we look forward to celebrating the annual Anniversary Reunion. The Inductee Anniversary Reunion is a special event during the Honors Ceremony for Anniversary Inductees to celebrate their stories and their continued legacies since their induction. This reunion serves as an opportunity for past dream chasers to greet the new inductees, and welcome this new class into the South Dakota Hall of Fame’s over 700 Inducted members.

Play the 2020 Anniversary Reunion meetup above

Each Anniversary Inductee or family representative of a deceased inductee, along with their guests, are celebrated during the event. They receive an anniversary pin, along with information on how to continue to add to the inductee’s story of excellence to inspire, mentor, and lead future generations in South Dakota.

The 2020 Anniversary Reunion meetup was held virtually, and we are thrilled to have this meetup available for the public to watch at any time on our Youtube Channel. They will be celebrating in-person this September 10 & 11 at the 2020 Honors Ceremony.

The 2020 Anniversary Reunion Inductees being honored include:

Class of 1980

Robert (Bob) Barker, Baxter Berry, Hilton Brigg, Dona Brow, Marion Bruce, James Bump, Robert Dowdell, Robert Hipple, George Robert Hunter, Fredrick James Jennewein, Ralph Jones, General David Jones, Sam Keck, Stan Marshall, Bishop Martin Marty, Billy Mills, Al Neuharth, Jim Pollock, Warner Charles Putman, Robert Van Demark, Anna Valley Wright.

Class of 1985

Reece Eran Bligh, Chester Four Bear, Jake Herman, Charles Clayton Jennings, Theodore Raymond Jennings, Leonel Morgan Jensen, Isabel Louise Jordan, Lillie Kunkle, James Monson Madden, Joseph Robbie, Harold William Shunk, Kay Riordan Steuerwald, Stephen Travis, Lucy Tullis, Fr. John Vogel, John Charles Waldron, Flora Huston Ziemann.

Class of 1990

Patrick Cowan, Gilbert Fite, Ruth Halligan, Erling Haugo, Irma King, Arthur Kroetch, Alice Kundert, Raymond "Bud" Livermore, Doris Livermore, Narcisse Narcelle, Oswald Schock, Al Schock, Verne Sheppard, Warren Williamson.

Class of 1995

James Abdnor, Florence Atkinson, Dr. Joseph Cash, Billy Etbauer, Dave Evans, Mildred Fielder, Alex Johnson, Joe Knippling, John Moisan, Ralph Morris, Maurice Murphey, Gary Owens, Dr. Theodore Schultz, Winifred Speece, Billie Sutton, Robert Wheeler, Dr. Paul Wright.

Class of 2000

Patricia Adrian, R. Herbert Bowden, Earl Brockelsby, Charles II Burke, Charles Croes, Raymond Gallagher, William McDermott, Helen Miller, Dr. Brooks Ranney, Rev. Dr. Harold Salem, Dr. Richard Schleusener, Gordon Thomsen, Durand Young.

Class of 2005

Ordell Braase, Alton Cornella, Robert "Bob" Duxbury, Dr. Douglas W. Fuerstenau, Richard Greeno, Pearl Hoel, Fr. Henry Hogebach SCJ, Harvey Jewett IV, Roger Kasa, R. Barrett Lowe, Chester McVay, Harriet Montgomery, Dr. Robert Ryan, William Wilson.

Class of 2010

Clarence Auld, Dale Clement, Sam Dupris, Geraldean Fluke, Gordon Garnos, James Kuehn, Greg Latza, John Lillibridge, Lawrence Piersol, Alvin Schoeneman, Thomas Stone, Eagle Woman Who All Look At, Howard Wood.

Class of 2015

Dodie Brown, Dennis Everson, Arthur LaCroix, Craig Lloyd, Robert Mudge, Duane Sander, Ann McKay Thompson, Dr. Loren Tschetter, Leon Wrage.

Sarah Miller