Community of Newell Receives Acts of Excellence Award From the South Dakota Hall of Fame

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, the South Dakota Hall of Fame awarded the community of Newell, South Dakota, with an Act of Excellence award for rallying around a victim of a house fire. When Dave Nuenke lost his home to fire on a cold February morning, the community of Newell came to his rescue. An outpouring of care came from neighbors and friends, which included getting Dave into a new home promptly with heat, stove, and a refrigerator. People brought food and supplies and ensured his needs were met.

The call came in about 11 AM that Nuenke’s home was on fire and Nuenke feared the worst and rushed home from his job as water master/dam tender at the Belle Fourche Irrigation District. When he arrived at the scene, the damage did not look as bad as what it really was, once the fire was extinguished. His home was considered a total loss. The fire crews were on the scene for nearly 10 hours, and Nuenke commended the fire department for trying to save his home. “They tried really, really hard, but they could not get it put out, I was able to get some valuables out, but that was about it, everything else was lost in the fire.”

The community of Newell did not stop at relocating Dave, they also had a chili feed and a silent auction to help Nuenke rebuild a home on his land. They wanted to see this dedicated member of their community go back home.

In the photograph from left to right, on behalf of the community of Newell, South Dakota, Tara Tennis and Deb Steele, administrative assistants at the Irrigation District, accepted the Hall of Fame’s Acts of Excellence award from chief executive officer Laurie Becvar.

The South Dakota Hall of Fame is 501c3 organization designed to Honor, Inspire, and Educate. The Hall’s mission is to Champion a Culture of Excellence and the SD Hall of Fame lives out its mission through its programming, including the Acts of Excellence Program. Twelve organizations or individuals have been chosen for their Acts of Excellence in 2023.


Laurie Becvar, Ed.D., M.A.
CEO, South Dakota Hall of Fame