Nominating Champions of Excellence

Each year, up to 10 outstanding South Dakotans are inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame for their achievements that inspire our youth for generations to come and build a bright future in South Dakota. Our Inductees have come from every walk of life and from every corner of the state. These Inductees come to us by way of nominations from people like you.

So what does it mean to nominate a champion of South Dakota? What does championing a culture of excellence look like?

To put it simply, South Dakota Hall of Fame Inductees embody excellence. We believe that a culture of excellence is a group of people with shared values, striving each and every day to be their best. Championing a culture of excellence is a mindset. A drive to acquire the skills needed to achieve goals and to never give up.

Excellence can be found when an individual contributes to the betterment of their community. Whether through job creation, philanthropy, or the arts–Inductees of the South Dakota Hall of Fame have given back to their communities in ways that have a ripple effect of inspiration. Sue Brown, Ray Hillenbrand, and Oscar Howe are just a few examples of the hundreds of Inductees who have given back to South Dakota in lasting ways.

We are inspired by Inductees who have had state-wide impacts across South Dakota by embodying excellence through their life’s work. Inductees such as Jeff Broin, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, and Shantel Krebs have created jobs, established laws, and cultivated future leaders. This shines a light on the kind of excellence that is foundational to a brighter tomorrow in South Dakota.

Do you know someone who exemplifies excellence in South Dakota?

We encourage you to begin the process of nominating them for induction into the South Dakota Hall of Fame. It is never too early to start the process. What does excellence mean to you? Together, through your nominations, we can inspire future leaders of South Dakota.

Champions can come from anywhere and from any walk of life. We want to hear about anyone who has pursued excellence and contributed to the life we enjoy in South Dakota.

Anyone may nominate an individual, living or deceased, to be considered for induction into the South Dakota Hall of Fame. Self-nomination is not permitted. To begin the nomination process, click here.