Partnerships for Excellence

At the South Dakota Hall of Fame, we are so thankful for the partnerships we have formed with other amazing organizations who help us Champion a Culture of Excellence across South Dakota.

A partner we would like to highlight is the organization, Junior Achievement of South Dakota. Junior Achievement’s mission is to prepare young people across the state to succeed. Through their programming, they share stories of Inductees with the youth of South Dakota, and we are proud to see these legacies helping to inspire young people to chase their dreams.

We want to thank Leadership South Dakota for their partnership with the South Dakota Hall of Fame. Leadership South Dakota inspires individuals for a stronger state, by connecting leaders who will invest in themselves, engage communities, and elevate South Dakota. We partner together by creating connections between South Dakota Hall of Fame Alumni and participants in the Leadership South Dakota program who very well may end up in the South Dakota Hall of Fame one day themselves.

We have the opportunity to partner with South Dakota Public Broadcasting, which promotes our events, activities, and programs year long. South Dakota Public Broadcasting also records our interviews with Inductees, family members, and representatives for our Legacy Interviews. Without this vital partnership, we would not be able to reach such a wide audience, and we are so grateful to SDPB for this. 

We are also honored to work alongside the South Dakota State Historical Society to preserve the legacy of South Dakota. The South Dakota State Historical Society empowers audiences to experience South Dakota's stories by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and publishing State history for present and future generations. Thanks to their amazing work, we are able to take a look into the past to help inspire future generations.

These partnerships connect our mission with a diverse audience and help us inspire individuals across the state to chase their dreams. We are proud to partner with such amazing organizations as these. Learn more about SDPB here, Junior Achievement SD here, South Dakota State Historical Society here, and Leadership SD here.

Sarah Miller