Veterans Honor Guard of Sturgis Receives Acts of Excellence Award From the South Dakota Hall of Fame

The South Dakota Hall of Fame recognized the Veterans Honor Guard of Sturgis, South Dakota with a 2023 Act of Excellence Award celebrating the stellar work of the group. The Sturgis Honor Guard was established in 1948, and has been active since. As of 1995, the Guard has provided honors for 5,365 funerals. Laurie Becvar, CEO of the SD Hall of Fame shared, “This is over 190 funerals each year, which is simply amazing!”

In addition to providing honors at the funerals of veterans, the Guard offers flag etiquette classes for schools, assisted living centers, and other organizations as requested. The Guard also provides three volleys of rifle fire and taps for Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremonies.

The Sturgis Honor Guard currently has 12 active members. Pictured in the back row, left to right: Honor Guard members Bill Ateyo, Darrell Pulscher, and Sturgis Honor Guard Commander Craig Sanderson. Seated left to right: John Usera, Bill Cudmore, Bud Kopp, Gordon Kotab, and Arvid Meland. Honor Guard member Arvid Meland is 93 years of age, he has been on the Guard since 1999 and to date, he has performed over 3400 ceremonies. Also standing in the back row are American Legion State Commander Doug Feltman and Laurie Becvar of the SD Hall of Fame. Guard members not in attendance include Martin Earl, Ken Sabers, Steve Westendorf, and David Jewkes.

Serving on the Guard is a volunteer activity. Members also volunteer their time with Meals on Wheels, the Food Pantry, Church organizations, Schools, the Senior Center, and more. If a donation is received for their services, they give the funds back to a local community organization. The Honor Guard of Sturgis has been fortunate to give $5,000 per year back to the community.

The South Dakota of Fame is 501c3 organization designed to Honor, Inspire, and Educate. The Hall’s mission is to Champion a Culture of Excellence and the SD Hall of Fame lives out its mission through its programming, including the Acts of Excellence Program. Twelve organizations or individuals have been chosen for their Acts of Excellence in 2023.


Laurie Becvar, Ed.D., M.A.
CEO, South Dakota Hall of Fame