What Does it Mean to Be a Champion of South Dakota?

Each year, up to 10 outstanding South Dakotans are inducted into the Hall of Fame for their achievements that inspire our youth, lead the generations, and build our future in South Dakota. Inductees have come from every walk of life and from every corner of our state. Some are born in South Dakota, and some make our beautiful state home by choice. Their impacts are felt across a broad range of categories, and Hall of Fame Inductees are as diverse as the landscape.

To put it simply – these Inductees embody excellence in South Dakota. Here at the South Dakota Hall of Fame, it is our mission to champion a culture of excellence. We believe that a culture of excellence is a group of people with shared values, striving each and every day to be their best. Championing a culture of excellence is a mindset. A drive to acquire the skills needed to achieve goals and to never give up. So what does it mean to be a champion of excellence in South Dakota?

Contribution to Community

Excellence can be found in even the most rural communities across our state. We have seen the way a person’s contributions to a single community can have a ripple effect across South Dakota. Some great examples of this dedication to community include individuals such as Rod Bowar, Marilyn Hohm Hoyt, and Ida Mallett

State-Wide Impact

We are inspired by Inductees who have had state-wide impacts across South Dakota by embodying excellence through their life’s work. Inductees such as Jeff Broin, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, and Mary Olinger have created jobs, established laws, and granted wishes to children across the state. This is the kind of excellence that is foundational to a brighter tomorrow in South Dakota.

A South Dakotan by birth or by choice

Some inductees come from a long line of born-and-raised South Dakotans, and their families have carried out generational work to inspire and improve the state. One of our newest Inductees, Paul Gnirk, is an example of a third-generation South Dakotan changing the state for the better, and an Inductee who joined his own mother, Adeline Gnirk in the South Dakota Hall of Fame. 

Other Inductees, like T. Denny Sanford, have become South Dakotans by choice and contribute to the state in amazing ways. We believe that excellence is found in the choices we make every day to give back to South Dakota. Whether their roots are generations deep, or they moved to the state in early adulthood, we are proud to champion any person who has helped build South Dakota into the place we call home today. 

Our hope, here at the South Dakota Hall of Fame, is to inspire future generations of leaders. To champion a culture of excellence is to collect and curate the rich repository of data that we have gained over the last 49 years and implement it in our Legends and Learning Program, Legacy of Achievement Program, and our exhibits on display in the Visitor & Education Center. We are dedicated to passing down the knowledge of so many amazing individuals to the next generation, inspiring and teaching people how to overcome adversity, and giving people hope. We want every person across the state to see the opportunity for excellence in their everyday choices. 

Do you know someone who exemplifies excellence in South Dakota? We encourage you to begin the process of nominating them for induction into the South Dakota Hall of Fame. Though nominations will be closing shortly for the Class of 2023, it is never too early to start the process for 2024. To learn more about nominating a champion of excellence, click here.