POET Leads Updates to SD Hall of Fame’s Legends and Learning Program with $10,000 Grant

Through its Gives Back Grant Program, POET recently provided the SD Hall of Fame base financial support to update its Legends and Learning Program towards inspiring youth and handing down knowledge to the next generation. The funding is intended to inspire other individuals and organizations to support the SD Hall of Fame in this critical project. 

POET gives back to society through three core pillars and the SD Hall of Fame’s work through its Legends and Learning Program touches on all three.

  • The Earth: POET aspires to create a world with natural balance where we no longer take from our planet, but rather utilize its enormous ability to regenerate. POET uses the sun, soil, and seeds to produce clean, renewable biofuels and bioproducts.

  • The Community: POET believes that changing the world starts in the communities we call home. To cultivate widespread impact, we must start by nurturing our roots through family, friends, and neighbors.

  • The Next Generation: POET believes that every child deserves to be nurtured and protected and that with the right opportunities and a little encouragement, each young person has the ability to achieve great things.

Through its grant, POET confirmed the SD Hall of Fame especially impacted opportunities for the next generation. Specifically, the SD Hall of Fame intends to update and continue to build curriculum and classroom lessons embedding the rich stories of its Inductees. The content will continue to be free to the public. 

SD Hall of Fame CEO Laurie Becvar stated, “we want to show our youth what it takes to be successful right here in South Dakota. Our Inductees can teach youth the habits of mind and skills that are required and along with learning about success, comes learning about how to overcome hardships. These are just a few of the lessons we intend to feature. The example of POET as a company and Inductee Jeff Broin are among the content that will be used.

The South Dakota Hall of Fame is a public charity with a statewide focus featuring a Visitor and Education Center in Chamberlain, South Dakota. The Center and the Legends and Learning Program are among the Hall’s major educational initiatives.

Becvar encourages others to join POET and to contribute to the project at www.sdhalloffame.org/give and restrict your gift to the Legends and Learning Program. Charitable gifts may be tax deductible as permitted by the IRS.


Laurie Becvar, Ed.D., M.A.
CEO, South Dakota Hall of Fame

NewsKelsey Stine